
Monday, October 15, 2007

i took half of one and ive already fallen asleep sitting up and drooling. this is a good thing. last night i slept for maybe 5 hours and felt like total shit for most of the day. i was going to try to sleep in a bit after al went to work but my nurse came super early. then it was like 10am so i figured i should just stay up and eat two bowls of reeses peanut butter puffs and wait for the deeeelish coffee al brings me at 11ish and brightens my damn day.
most of the day was spent responding to emails, and then i made chocolate chip cookies from scratch for the first time. they were/are pretty great, pat me on the back. al enjoyed them too, he said he wanted to come home to the smell of baking. soo obviously i obliged, seeing as im a housewife now.
i finally got to go to forever 21 today. i only looked on the first floor, apparently the second is more up my alley but there were too many stairs. i bought super cute accessories to try to jazz up my wedding dress so it doesnt look like my wedding dress anymore.
got some arbys at the food court - beef and cheddar for 5,99 holla! then we just came home.
kind of uneventful but a nice night for me, i love the weather lately too. i cant believe i dont have a single pic to put up today. ill try to make up for it tomorrow.
i keep passing out, i gotsta say goodnight for now. i may post in the am.