ok, first order of business. We watched two scary movies this weekend. Friday night we watched Vacancy. It was total garbage. Al and i were trying to think of a new tagline like 'Vacan-dontsee this film' or 'the real vacancies were in the theatres'. Nothing worked. Anyways, my biggest complaint about this movie was that the writing and directing and everything else was lazy and hackneyed. They didnt even bother trying to explain things that really didnt need explaining but usually get explained anyways like as a courtesy to the viewer. The innkeeper was creepy in the beginning and turned out to be one of the killers but you dont know why he is the way he is. same with the too helpful gas station attendant who is another killer, and then theres a third guy that came out of no where. are they all related? most of the time the answer would be yes, and usually a little inbred too. but they didnt really get into it. kate beckinsale and luke wilson fought non stop, because they were seperated but havent told anyone, and its because their kid died of course but thats about all we heard about the kid that it was dead. and you could pretty much guess that they were one of those couples in a movie that were fighting because they have a dead kid. anyways by the end of the movie they are back in love. surprise. its funny how that happenes too because luke wilson gets the shit stabbed out of him and then falls wound first on to the ground for whats probably 3-4 hours. he seems dead but when his estranged wife weeps over him and kisses him he springs to life. and then it pans out like as if something was going to happen like one killer wasnt quite dead either, and then it ends. thats it. it was only 72 minutes long.
On sunday we watched 1408. this was much better. I read the short story a while ago and it scared the begeebus out of me. the movie was almost as creepy. john cusack was good and there wasnt any blood or gore but still managed to be a really good horror movie. there was another dead kid subplot but not as annoying as the first one. sam jackson was really good too. i recommend this film,so im not going to give away anything like i did in the first review.
saturday morning i had breakfast with the ladies alex and lisa. went to if, havent been there in like a year. so good. had pumpkin spiced pancakes and super good coffee.
we look like a commercial!
then al and i went to the duff aka hell on earth....
we got our costume stuff finally and headed home.
i made some gingerbread bloody brain cookies for matts bday....
they were really yummy. and fit in nicely with all the other delicious treats kat made. im still craving skor bite blondies.
the party was a good time. al and i were posh and becks. his costume was amazing, he actually found a proper jersey and shorts combo. my wig was horrendous, but at least my costume worked when i stood beside al. and i got to buy a new dress at h&m which was pretty sweet, posh needs new dresses.
matt was supposed to be dumpy super man but im going to say he was superman in various states of undress. he tried to tell me he wasnt drunk. then tonight i got a text saying he forgot about the bottle of jagermeister he drank, so ya he actually was a little drunk. the pictures will do the talking. some honorable mentions go to miss piggy, lindsay blowhan, peg bundy, betty boop and jewish jeff.

my leg feels like its made of cement and furly is cuddled up in the cutest way so im going to try to sleep.
Glad you had a good breakfast on the weekend. I had the worst most disgusting experience in a breakfast diner this weekend. Peter and I went to Stem on Queen st for some Sunday morning breakfast, which we do at least once a month, and when we finished I noticed a COCKAROACH on the wall and then it proceeded to crawl down the wall and onto our table I moved out of the way and it crawled right to where I was sitting and went under the table. EWWWWWWWW. I don't think I can eat there again. I know that bugs exist in restaurants, but I definitely don't want to see them. YUCK.
You're such a little Martha now! When does your chocolate class start again? Al's hair looked hilarious!
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