i never thought id say that i have had too much chocolate, but im thisclose to exploding with delicious cocoa mass and milk solids. I had my introduction to chocolate class tonight and it was a lot of fun. The main thing that we learned was how to temper chocolate, which is kind of like getting the chocolate to the right consistency so you can dip things into it or make bars and barks etc. i made a bunch of chocolate dipped strawberries and barks. They were so good, we still have some barks left with coconut and cranberries, caramel bits, and rice krispies. i ate a couple of the strawberries and sent the rest with al to work and apparently everyone really liked them. I forgot to take pictures of everything i made but lets pretend they looked like this...
they kind of did, i made some drizzle on them. but i used milk and dark chocolate, not that white crap. The truffle class is full until january but i plan on taking that one as well, and then there is a sugars class that deals with brittles and toffee and caramel etc. and theres also a molds and decorating class. i think they are all in jan/feb. so is that cake decorating course. im going to get so fat.
yesterday my mom came up for a visit, it was fun. We went for coffee, and then hung out at home for a bit. We headed out to college street and shopped around bought some homemade pesto, some treats for al and soup for me. Went to american apparel and mom bought me the cutest hot pink dress and i bought b&w polkadot leggings to go with it. I also think it will look cute over top of some ripped up jeans. i dont know how to put rips in my jeans though. anyone?
we at lunch at bar italia and holy crap in a hat it was good. We had a gorgonzola mushroom crustini appetizer and we both had a steak sandwich with portabello mushrooms, red onions and garlic mayo. so good. afterwards we went to the eatons center to get a hand mixer but they were too expensive. so we got some xmas ornaments instead. dad got an awesome wrath of khan ornament, mom got an i love lucy one and i got a mother daughter mitten set. then my leg felt like it was made of cement and i hurt a whole lot so we came home to order dinner. al came home for dinner too which was nice. he also drove my mom to the terminal which was nice. he also drove her back to my apartment after realizing she read the schedule wrong and her bus wasnt untill 11. oh mommy. it was her first time, the next time will go off without a hitch.
didnt we look nice for our day out?
So today al and i took a walk to starbucks through graffiti alley (which was part of the resurface project). He got some great pictures and an especially great one of us kissing. i know some of you are like ew puke but whatever i like the picture.
so tomorrow is halloween and its the first year of my whole life where i havent celebrated at all. well there was matts bday, but there was no magic hill, no canadas wonderland, and i cant even hand out candy or do anything tomorrow because of my jewelry class. which im excited to go to but how will i make things halloweeny? i was going to bring in chocolate, but i eat candy everyday so its not special. maybe ill bake tomorrow and bring that in. and ill get home at like 930 and then itll be too late to do anything. :(
oh and ill leave you with this. Not only is my face super puffy, but im growing hair. yup, a beard. al pointed it out and i saw it in the bathroom today. so big cheeks, plus fur. what does that mean? it means im turning into eleanor chipette. Shes the blonde one, obviously.
chocolate overdose
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 8:24 PM 2 comments
brunch, birthdays, and two scary hotel rooms
Monday, October 29, 2007
ok, first order of business. We watched two scary movies this weekend. Friday night we watched Vacancy. It was total garbage. Al and i were trying to think of a new tagline like 'Vacan-dontsee this film' or 'the real vacancies were in the theatres'. Nothing worked. Anyways, my biggest complaint about this movie was that the writing and directing and everything else was lazy and hackneyed. They didnt even bother trying to explain things that really didnt need explaining but usually get explained anyways like as a courtesy to the viewer. The innkeeper was creepy in the beginning and turned out to be one of the killers but you dont know why he is the way he is. same with the too helpful gas station attendant who is another killer, and then theres a third guy that came out of no where. are they all related? most of the time the answer would be yes, and usually a little inbred too. but they didnt really get into it. kate beckinsale and luke wilson fought non stop, because they were seperated but havent told anyone, and its because their kid died of course but thats about all we heard about the kid that it was dead. and you could pretty much guess that they were one of those couples in a movie that were fighting because they have a dead kid. anyways by the end of the movie they are back in love. surprise. its funny how that happenes too because luke wilson gets the shit stabbed out of him and then falls wound first on to the ground for whats probably 3-4 hours. he seems dead but when his estranged wife weeps over him and kisses him he springs to life. and then it pans out like as if something was going to happen like one killer wasnt quite dead either, and then it ends. thats it. it was only 72 minutes long.
On sunday we watched 1408. this was much better. I read the short story a while ago and it scared the begeebus out of me. the movie was almost as creepy. john cusack was good and there wasnt any blood or gore but still managed to be a really good horror movie. there was another dead kid subplot but not as annoying as the first one. sam jackson was really good too. i recommend this film,so im not going to give away anything like i did in the first review.
saturday morning i had breakfast with the ladies alex and lisa. went to if, havent been there in like a year. so good. had pumpkin spiced pancakes and super good coffee.
we look like a commercial!
then al and i went to the duff aka hell on earth....
we got our costume stuff finally and headed home.
i made some gingerbread bloody brain cookies for matts bday....
they were really yummy. and fit in nicely with all the other delicious treats kat made. im still craving skor bite blondies.
the party was a good time. al and i were posh and becks. his costume was amazing, he actually found a proper jersey and shorts combo. my wig was horrendous, but at least my costume worked when i stood beside al. and i got to buy a new dress at h&m which was pretty sweet, posh needs new dresses.
matt was supposed to be dumpy super man but im going to say he was superman in various states of undress. he tried to tell me he wasnt drunk. then tonight i got a text saying he forgot about the bottle of jagermeister he drank, so ya he actually was a little drunk. the pictures will do the talking. some honorable mentions go to miss piggy, lindsay blowhan, peg bundy, betty boop and jewish jeff.

my leg feels like its made of cement and furly is cuddled up in the cutest way so im going to try to sleep.
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 6:48 AM 2 comments
scones and sushi
Thursday, October 25, 2007
today i made starbucks style pumpkin scones. it was pretty easy, im not sure how they measure up though. i think theyre pretty good and so does al.we quickly split one before we left for matts bday dinner. and i couldnt get it to look the same, like the icing i drizzled over the scone just ran into the plain icing. im not sure how to make it thicker/harder.
so we brought matt to 'sushi inn' in yorkville for his bday dinner. it was so good. its affordable and great quality. i had california rolls, shitake udon and sushi pizza. im so incredibly full. the best part was the shitake udon, so warm and hearty and healthy. id like to make it at home someday, it'd be perfect indoors when its raining and cold out. al had some spicy roll and a bento box and couldnt get into the pizza. neither could i. it tasted really good but it was too damn much. matt also got a bento box, and some roll but i cant remember which kind. it was very enjoyable.
i love this one of matt. his stomach is saying me want food.
when is fashion week over? i dont think im going to a show this year. this eps. of ER takes place at fashion week, i guess i can pretend that im at a show.
im quitting cheese nips cold turkey. i need to start somewhere, and they really arent necessary, like half a box a day.
ok im going to bed i fell asleep, as usual, writing this. i fall asleep sitting up but iill lay there with my mind racing.
oh heres a ps - who watched those baby videos??? you have to watch people, its hilarious. i saw two babies out today i wanted to shove lemons in their mouths so badly. its funny but its adorable too, just trust me.
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 7:46 PM 3 comments
babies eating sour stuff
this is funny shit. lisa or mo, can i give the babies some sour keys and video tape it?
ok this first one is kinda long and annoying because you hear a lot of the mommy infantilizing the thing
here are the rest. hilarious. hey mom you should give matteo some lemons and tape it.
smile please
what the hell is it eating?
i want a Hawaiian baby
little old man baby
wait till the end...
i love how he thinks hes going to win agains the lemon
if al and i ever adopt and theres an online application im just going to upload all these videos under the 'reasons youd like to adopt' section
i would have made him eat more
hahah pickle
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 5:30 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Today was the first day of class. I can tell im really gonna enjoy it. however tonight lisa and i were having body issues. i was just sore from all the up and down, and she had the cramps. we also werent able to finish our projects, we were too slow so well finish up next week. Also, we had to to a lot of sawing, like A LOT of sawing, and i broke at least 5 of the blades i needed to saw with. the piece im making is an ice cream cone, and lisa is doing a mushroom. they wont be turned in to anything,, it was just to get practise with metal working, drilling, sawing, soldering etc. right now were at the soldering stage, i think we got half way through it. we put the silver pieces on the backings and torched it and put it in this weird liquid.. then we washed it. i wanted to take more pictures but i think she really wanted to close up shop so i only got one, when lisa and i were waiting for al to get us. i said 'make a face that expresses how you feel about your work' and the above photo is what we got.
also, i got a message saying i can get into that introductory to chocolate class so im really happy about that. its the day before halloween. oh and bummer, we have jewelery class on halloween. i really wanted to hang out eat pizza and watch a scary movie, but now there isnt much i can do that halloweeny. ill have to think of something or ill be sad.
so i think al and i are going to dress as posh and becks for halloween/matts bday. gt's! itll be fairly simple. too bad im not as thin as i was a month ago it'd be perf.
oh speaking of that, i gained ten kg's in a month. thats a lot in case you couldnt do the math. ive got to slow the weight train waaaay down. also, my doctor pointed out my puffiness/bloated face today. ive got to call the clinic about this. The hospital was awesome today, i waited for an hour and a half for a 5 minute appointment. Ah well, i should be thankful everytime i leave there with good news or no news, and no pain. and no visits to the blood lab. Afterwards i got a latte to reward myself for all waiting and bullcrap.
al and i decided to get a dominion pizza for dinner, which normally is pretty awesome. they have the freshest ingredients because, you know, theyre fresh obsessed. well today i decided to call in early to place the order, and said wed be by at four thirty to pick it up. basically, it seems as though they just made the pizza when i called and left it for two hours. this shit was not fresh, and some of als toppings were traipsing all over my good stuff. so i called in to complain, hoping ill get a free pizza out of this. i asked for the manager and was on hold for the length of a really bad song, and a fleetwood mac song. then some dim witted teenager anwered and said 'maybe the four o clock shift didnt get the message about the pizza' and then i said 'it would never have gotten made then' and then she told me i should have drove it back which is total bullshit then i said 'so i shouldnt call things in early because they wont be fresh' and she said 'uh well no, i dont know, maybe it depends on who's working'. it was unbelievable. so i asked her if she was really the manager and she said no just customer service. so i told her i was going to call back in the morning. now i have a story to tell as well. i better be compensated for this pizza dammit!! They cant claim to be fresh obsessed and then serve up shit pizza.
well thats it for today. oh and another thing happened, i got really mad at furley because she was purposely disobeying me, i think, and i felt bad about it all night. were ok now, but i was sad.
and who watches diffrent strokes? i didnt realize how arnold drummond was king of the one liners. its like his whole dialogue, one liners and quips. its not that cute. but its still funny.
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 9:19 PM 2 comments
2 FOR 1
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
FURLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isnt this the cutest picture in the whole world? if you said yes youre wrong because theres a few on the camera still that might be as cute but i just liked this one the best.
its been a low key couple of days, hence the no post yesterday. i wanted to go for a nice walk by the waterfront cuz it was so freaking hot but dinner ran really late and my peg leg is driving me nuts.
i made a recipe from the recipe exchange, chicken stuffed with apples and almonds. it was pretty good but needed some extra kick. i think id use cider instead of apple juice for the sauce next time. heres a pic al took of his dinns and me making salad.....
after dinner we just lazed around, then i watched the hills. spencer is the most despicable human i wish heidi would grow some balls and leave him. i think he somehow hypnotizes her using one if his gigantic white teeth. teeth arent supposed to be that white. i swear he wants to keep her barefoot and pregnant but forgets the part of that scenario where the husband also works.
today was a bit more eventful. the leg is still very much peg like and painful but im taking an extra pill so hopefully that will give me some relief. i met kat at starbucks and had the best psl of the season. i had given up on them, especially from the dovercourt location.
if i were a man i would try so hard to make giada di laurentis my wife. shes beautiful, successful and maybe one of the greatest chefs on the food network. and the niece of dino di laurentis.
i passed out during her prep work, woke up to eat and passed out again.
i think im gonna go with it and try to go to bed now.
oh wait - if youre looking to waste a good half hour heres some shoe porn - - http://www.shopstyle.com/action/browse?cat=1&fl=b959#266_0
its a collection of christian louboutin shoes. aaahhhhhhgggdhdhgdhhdd.
and heres me enjoying another love of mine - miniature chocolate bars
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 9:30 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
i didnt get my scone. thats ok, ill make up for it next weekend. i knew theyd be sold out. its so popular, why dont they make more? why is it you cant get a scone past 10:30 am?
anyway i met up with mel around noon for a coffee at starbucks, and then headed to her apartment. its really cute! she has an awesome chaise/couch thing and i liked posing on it. i tried to do a george costanza pose but al said it looks nothing like GC.
I tried to get a boudoir photo of mel, but it was really bright in her room and i didnt know how to turn the flash off yadda yadda, so i was taking the picture in the dark and i couldnt see to frame up - anyways i think this one turned out ok, and then i tried to get one of the two of us....
we came back to my house for a little bit, but then mel had to head out.
al and i decided to go to 'stolen riches', its a new sneaker store on queen that looks like an art gallery but for shoes. then we walked around queen st. because it was so beautiful out. i finally went inside the sanko (japanese) store. it was pretty cute and we bought delicious pocky its almond crunch flavored. remember that scene in the grudge where the one woman goes grocery shopping for the first time in japan and shes so overwhelmed by how different the culture is and the packaging of everything? it kind of looks like that store. its mostly very cute. we forgot the camera at home so we had to use my cell phone -and what a day to forget the camera! it was the zombie walk. at first i just saw one kid covered in blood and i was like wtf that poor kid! but then i realized what was going on. i took some pretty crappy photos and deleted them, i saved this one though.
we had the pesto from italy again, and we finished it all. i dont know what were going to do! either adrienne has to send us more or we need to book our flight soon and stock up on the stuff. so delish. we also got caught up on our gossip girl. i mean...i did and al watched basket ball...yup cuz he doesnt like gossip girl.
i saw a trailer yesterday for a film called Juno. it's the new michael cera film and that young girl from hard candy - shes so good i hope she gets nominated for something important. I think this movie looks really really good -
i also think the new ryan gosling movie looks pretty awesome
there havent been many movies out lately that ive cared to go see, but i think ill try to see these two in the theatre.
i start my jewelery class this week and im so excited, if thought up a few designs for charms already although i dont know if well be making charms. if we cast any molds i guess i have some ideas. i wish i knew how to sew, i feel like i always have good ideas and then i feel handicapped because i dont have the skills to do anything about it. it feels like i dont know how to use my hands or something, i dont know if that makes sense. anyways. sex and the city is on and its the season where trey and charlotte separate and aidan and carrie are engaged and i havent seen this season 5 or 6 times yet so i going to go watch it.
Posted by Cheryl Nelson-McCartney at 7:36 PM 0 comments