Monday, November 12, 2007

Whats that big kitty? you want me to update my blog? ok ok. Im going to have to do it later tonight because i have a CT scan this afternoon.
I havent blogged in a week, whats wrong with me? i just keep falling asleep at the computer when i go to update. tonight though, my plan is to blog before the hills comes on.
not much to write about though, last week was a slow week. had jewellery class, ive been pushing myself more physically and around the house, so ive been a bit more uncomfortable at night, friday we went home to st.catharines. tonight ill answer the following questions; who has the new nickname 'skidmark'? who gave my mom a black eye? should i have added more spice to my cupcakes? does my dad still have a goatee and possibly the early signs of senility? did i find a bridesmaids dress? all these answers and more in a mere few hours.


weinerdawg said...

oh big kitty...

Unknown said...

You didn't actually answer all of these questions!!! Who is 'skidmark'? Ew.