Return of the Blog

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Since my hospital stay I've decided to try to blog again. The only reason I quit was because I started spending so much time in hospital and when I was out, everything hurt or I was sick. It was total bullshit. So here's a recap of what's been going on recently: I'm off chemo - they say it makes me too sick. I'm not on any kind of treatment right now. I'm trying to get walking again - I've been stuck in bed for over a month. I'm going berzerker. I also need babysitters when Al is at work - good thing I have the best friends in the world! They have a schedule worked out where they come over once a week to watch me and make dinner. Oh, and empty my pee bags. I have problems with my kidneys now, so I have tubes running out of my kidneys that drain into bags. Since I'm stuck in bed, Al and I have been having "Lost" marathons. I love this show - right now we're on season 3. Al's birthday was last week and I bought him a GPS. My cousins had one and it looked so cool I had to get one. It's effin fun, I can't wait to get in the car. You can have celebrity voices tell you where to go - like droopy dog (that's only funny to me and Lisa). OK this pen sucks so I'm done. Al's going to type this up for me.
The next blog is going to be about the ladies brunch I had back in December. I went to the hospital the next day, so I couldn't write about it or put up pics. See ya.


Unknown said...

Hellooo Mr. Echo. Love him. I'm glad to see the blog has returned. You gotta post the pics from Al's bday!

Candice M said...

I love that this is back! Can't wait to hear more.

If any of your 'babysitters' ever need a back up I'm close by and would love to see you!

Unknown said...

high 5iver yer back!!

andrea_allen said...

Return of the blog! Droopy voice sounds pretty damn funny to me too, btw. Can't wait to read the "5 months later" Ladies Brunch retrospective! I still dream of cinnamon buns and grilled cheese with pesto....

weinerdawg said...

yeah seriously droopy dog should be funny to everyone. ESPECIALLY if u listen to the dbs system. "there is a bridge up on the right"-in droopys voice of course...