Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ive realized that i talk about food a lot in here. im comfortable with that. i really like food, and eating the food. especially treats.
so today at the chop i saw these strawberry milkshake oreos and had to buy them. theyre so cute! the insides are pink, it looked like a party in a box. i dont even eat oreos! i only ever ate them at aunt kay and uncle dons when i was little. so i bought a box and theyre pretty good. they are most enjoyable when you split it open and lick out the center.

On the weekend i was talking about one of the essential books i need to get started on my chocolate making, and Bruce had it. he gave it to me! god hes the nicest man. im so glad zeljka is with him. hes so good to people and so kind. this book has everything in it, from the history and origins of chocolate to some mouth watering recipes. i cant wait to get started. i need to buy a few supplies, i wish i could wait till christmas and get them as gifts but i really want to get started because i have some really good ideas. i still need to think about packaging and logos and names etc.

This week blows, so many appointments at the hospital. yesterday was my CT scan which was quick and easy. i got some pictures of my princess margaret makeover in the changeroom.

after...hawt stuff!

Today was a meeting with the pain clinic. not only is the steroid im on making me look like a damn chipmunk, but its affecting my leg muscles. apparently it makes muscles deteriorate and then moves on to the bones and makes them brittle. this makes sense since i cant get out of a chair or stand up from a crouching position with out pushing with my arms. so im getting weaned off quicker then i was before. im not taking any of it tonight so hopefully ill be able to sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is my mri, me lying in a machine for an hour. then monday is results day. im not gonna lie, im nervous for it. everyday i inch closer to results, and i can handle them telling me i need treatment, and id love to hear that its stable, but i have this fear that theyre gonna surprise me with some bad news. ah well, we shall see very soon.
so al and i wanted to make homemade pesto, we loved the stuff that adrienne brought us from italy so much we wanted to re create it. well, no one in the city had basil. there were no pine nuts. it was so frustrating. we drove all over hells half acre and wound up in roncesvalles spending ten bucks on friggin basil. and it wasnt like this basil grew out of some blessed ground or anything. the two types of cheese - parmigiann regigano and pecorino - came to about 15 bucks, we couldnt buy the pine nuts or walnuts in bulk so those were about 8 bucks. thank god we had garlic and e v o o already. then we got home and the food processor was being a dick. it got done. and it was actually pretty darn good. so we have a bunch left and im trying to figure out what else i can make with pesto, maybe chicken? if you have suggestions please leave them for me. also, i think itll keep for a week or something, but can i freeze it?
heres me finally finding the basil...

and heres the yummy fettucine with pesto...

ok i think i posed some questions in my previous entry. who is called skidmark? basically either one of the cats. whichever one decides to leave a skidmark right outside the litter box. and sometimes al calls me skid mark. it started saturday morning when i brought up the subject, i cant remember why but the word kept making me laugh really hard. and the concept, like who actually leaves skidmarks? is it from not wiping? or maybe its from sharting? (a fart that is a little bit o' shit). anyways it makes me laugh.
who gave my mom a black eye? if you were going to say derek then think again. she was trying to get a book from the rafters and it fell right on her eye and it broke skin and everything. since menopause ive gotten a lot clumsier, and certain days are worse than other. mom, i think you might be entering the big M, because man you were Kutzy Van Stumbledon this weekend.
my dads senility, well i could post a whole other blog about this. hahaahha. but seriously. he shaved his goatee off and no one noticed and he got his knickers in a knot about it. but the way he brought it up was weird. we were talking about a serious car crash and he starts yelling 'no one said anything to me' and we were like wtf? who said what? then finally mom figured out what he was saying, no one had commented on his new look. what a weirdo.
i think that was it.
i think the last thing i wanted to talk about was how awesome gossip girl is. its like season 1 O.C. good. i hope it stays this way, unlike the O.C.

ok i keep passing out again. im out.


weinerdawg said...

did u pass out and hit enter a ton of times?? cause yr journal goes on and on and on....

p.s. yr tights really bring out the hospital gown!

Cheryl Nelson-McCartney said...

ya i think my finger was on the space key or something. that happens a lot. i dont know why this blog makes me fall asleep, i think its because my laptop gets really hot and it makes me sleepy.

weinerdawg said...

hmmm maybe... maybe u should put the laptop on a pillow or something?? i dont like the idea of the radiaton pentrating yr little legs there.

i like posts everyday! keep it up!!

LC//Lucy Fur said...

Ahahahahah sharted. I am literally "lol"-ing!

Unknown said...

Skid marks are disgusting. I always think of that Sex and the City episode when Miranda is doing Steve's laundry and sees skid marks in his underware. That would be a major lust killer if you ask me.

Those oreos sound good but I'm off dairy for 30 days to see if I notice a big difference in how I feel, look, etc. Wait, I think normal oreos are vegan, but I would assume that "strawberry MILKshake" ones are not.

I like how you made your scans a fashion shoot. Try to remain positive and EXPECT GOOD news. Remember how dangerous fear and worry is... you need to take your own advice!


weinerdawg said...

good advice alex!! not to mention member the last time they gave u bad news, u showed them!! so even if its not the greatest news, dont let it bring u down... yr way stronger then those drs know!! xoxo

Cheryl Nelson-McCartney said...

ya thats true. i know i should just stay positive cuz worrying wont do me any good. it just doesnt get easier, you think it would over time but no.
and i think about that episode too! i explained it to al and he agreed with miranda.
do you think there'd be dairy in it? i think its just the flavour. ill check the box.

Alcolm X said...

I'm pretty sure there's no dairy in skid marks.