
Saturday, November 17, 2007

im still not feeling so great. im at my parents so im not going to post a for real blog. i just showered and then im going to lay down for the night. i dont know if its withdrawl or what, but going off this steroid is effing with me in the worst way. im so uncomfortable and my bladder is screwed up.
i just felt i need to post something to say that ill have a real blog up soon,and to never ever rent I know who killed me. its a steaming pile of crap. its not lohans fault. although shes no meryl streep. its the messiest directing i think ive ever seen and it seems like there was a lot of effort put into the stripping scenes and zero in crucuial plot developments, character development etc. stupid blue roses pop up everywheere for no reason. she gets this crazy robot hand, as if you would just get an awesome robot hand in a public american hospital. rotten tomatoes gave it a 5% fresh rating

ok im going to go put my leg up and hope i fall asleep early.


Unknown said...

Blohan hasn't done anything good since Freaky Friday if you ask me. Now that was real cinema.

I'm thinking about you... Missed you this weekend. Lets make plans for a weeknight this week if you're up to it.